Lifecycle Events
The Aquarian Minyan Provides Support
for Lifecycle Events in our Community
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Virtual Shiva Minyan for Sandy Leeder z”l, recorded 2/8/2022
Baruch Dayan HaEmet. We are heartbroken to announce the passing of our Council Member and dear friend Chetana Yehudit Karel Michaan z”l, who returned her pure soul to her Maker in the early morning hours of Shabbat Ha’Azinu, Saturday 18 September, 2021 / 12 Tishrei 5782.
We will be remembering Chetana together as a community on October 7, 2021 at 7pm Pacific time via Zoom at this link:
Please join us!
Chetana was a Shakespearean actress and America’s Leading Theatrical Interpreter of Emily Dickinson. She co-wrote and presented “Old-fashioned, naughty, everything!” A Glimpse of Emily Dickinson, based entirely on Emily’s poems and letters. She interpreted Emily with a deep empathy for the poet’s intelligence and overarching spirituality, transforming the nearly bare stage into an intimate space, bringing to vibrant life Emily’s poems and letters.
In her role at The Aquarian Minyan, Chetana was a Lamed Vavnik. Behind the scenes emotional and spiritual support was her unique ministry. It was Chetana's zcheut (merit) to pass on Shabbos, and not just any Shabbos but Ha'Azinu. The song of Moses before he died, recounting the many mercies of G*d towards the Children of Israel and imploring them to remember and to love the Lord their G*d. The Haftarah is King David's song praising G*d by recounting the many mercies and miracles on the day of his deliverance from every enemy. This should give us just the tip of the iceberg glimpse of the highness of her neshama. We are all so much richer for having been a recipient of her love and care.
Baruch Dayan HaEmet
The soul of our friend and fellow congregant Mikel Estrin / Moshe Nachum Ben Pinchas, of blessed memory, has returned to her Maker
The funeral will be
Thursday July 1st, 2021
Home of the Peace Cemetery
4712 Fairfax Ave, Oakland, CA 94601
Our community mourns the loss of this special man.
May Moishe's soul rise higher and higher, and may all who loved and cared for him be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion.
Malka Brandzel obm
A Message From Benji Brandzel:
My beloved mother, Malka Brandzel, finally liberated from her body on October 22. The Aquarian Minyan has been her spiritual, relational and community home for well over 40 years.
She bought our old family home in the Berkeley hills in large part to offer the Minyan community a place to congregate and celebrate the big moments in life. So many Minyan fabregens and teachings and sacred moments happened there. (Including my bris and my marriage!) She called the home "Beit Shekina". It was her mission and blessing.
As her mobility waned in the last decade, attending Minyan events, especially high holidays, remained her top priority. The community always welcomed and accommodated her; saving parking spots, keeping the wheelchair paths cleared, helping her lie down when needed and celebrating her legendary voice. One of the great joys of her life was when she and I both chanted Kol Nidre together for the community.
In her later years she could no longer attend services in person. Yet her spirit yearned to be included. She would often try to arrange for a friend to hold up a phone to dial or skype her in. These connections were her soul's lifeline. She knew she was never forgotten.
The silver lining of the Covid era was that she could virtually and fully participate in all Minyan gatherings. This meant everything to her. She left this plane full of love and appreciation for this sacred shtetl of souls that has held her, witnessed her, loved her, received from her and included her throughout her journey in and beyond this life.
Thank you for filling my mother's life with love, honoring her memory, and helping her spirit wrap others in Beit Shekina for years to come. - Benji Brandzel
Our Condolences to the family of Malka Brandzel obm
Photo of Reb Zalman and Malka Brandzel, 1993, courtesy of Susan Richards
Dear Minyan Chevra,
The spirit of my beloved mother, Malka bat Shoshana Brandzel has liberated from her body. This is above all a joyous, bell-ringing, heart-singing occasion for joy. I have already seen her spirit dancing with Zalman in a heavenly lightning display, which closely followed Deepa and I for much of our flight from DC just a few hours after her liberation. Her spirit, which we have all known is full of such spiritual power and pure energy, is finally free. We can only imagine how happy she is.
And yet for us, it is also sad. We loved her so deeply, and we grew attached to her embodied form. We will miss hearing her beautiful voice, rich laughter, kissing her cheek, hearing her latest story, or learning her wise interpretation of celestial and earthly events. I will miss holding her hand, receiving her loving calls, and knowing she could somehow keep me safe from whatever might lurk in the dark shadows. I will miss her embodied love so, so, so, so much. And it will be quite a journey to emotionally transition to receiving that love from formless spirit alone.
My mother did not wish for a public ceremony, and we will of course honor that. But she did want to give me and Deepa and all her beloved friends and holy community a chance to grieve, share, remember and celebrate together. The Minyan was her spiritual and social home. Her only hope for us would be that we support each other so that her passing might cause no lasting pain, and might instead increase the love we all share.
If you'd like to reach out to me directly, I'm at, or on WhatsApp/SMS at 781-258-6514. All messages will be very much appreciated. Any pleasant memories you have of my mother all the more so. But please understand I may not be able to respond in a timely way.
If you'd like to reach out to Deepa or you have anything timely or logistical that needs attention during this time, please email or call/SMS/WhatsApp her at 202-352-7873.
Thank you for your kind wishes, prayers, memories, songs and enduring community love. The Minyan has also been my spiritual home my whole life. I'm so grateful for your love and support as I navigate, stumble and embrace this transition.
With deep blessings,
-Ben (Benji to you :) Brandzel