“Shavuot” by artist Nechama Tamara Farber
The Aquarian Minyan’s Annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot Gathering
Saturday June 4, 2022
6:30pm Pacific Time
Join the Aquarian Minyan for our Annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot program beginning at 6:30pm with a brief service with Rabbi Jonathan and the Aquarian Minyan Chevre, followed by hours of special teachings by Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, Ami Goodman, Rabbi Sara Shendelman, Bob Jaffe, Barry Barkan and Miriam Stampfer, and Sophie Miron. Gather together as we experience the lead-up to Mattan Torah together!
Click HERE for Recordings of All Our Shavuot 2021 Teachings!
SHAVUOT 5781 /2021
Beginning at 6pm Pacific Time
Join us for an evening of Communal Learning as we climb the Holy Mountain
to receive the Torah together - "as one person with one heart"
and in the morning….
Join us at 10am Pacific time on Monday, May 17
for Shavuot Shacharit & Torah Service
Our Schedule:
Reb Ya’acov Schechtman Gabriel
“A Punny Thing Happened On The Way To The Yuntif”
Living With The 10 Commandos in song, midrash and story.
Ma’ariv Service
Rob Bonem
The 10 Commandments
A study of the 10 Commandments, and how we relate to them. This is a personal, interactive exploration.
Barry Barkan
The Path of Surrender
A meditative riff on a counter-intuitive approach to manifesting Malchut Sheba Malchut for each of us, for our families and for Yisrael. We can think of it as Tzim Tzum Sheba Tzim Tzum
Rabbi Sara Shendelman
Healing and Opening Yourself for a more Joyous Human Journey
Feeling enveloped by the Divine, more in touch with the gifts you've been given allows us to "Ivdu Et HaShem b'Simcha”-serve the Divine (and our loved ones) with joy." We will experience and talk about ways to uplift your own life and transmit this to your family of choice and birth. Gratitude, music, movement, energy work is some of the many tools we can use. Heal your inner child & come dance under the stars. This is a time for revelation! The world is changing, and we are here to do our part! This Class will be interactive.
Jonathan Seidel
The NAME YHVH in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah
Our ancestors while davening and blessing with the SHEM disagreed as to the parameters of its pronunciation and its magical use, as well as the Cosmic and Theosophic impact of its Performance and Mention Join Rabbi Seidel for a quick tour of the use of the Shem HaMeforash in the teachings of Abraham Ibn Ezra, the teachings of Abraham Abulafia and the Zohar for an explanation of the use of the NAME (HaShem). Hold on for a Accelerated tour of the Holy Mountain!
Secrets of the Dark with Maggid Jonathan Furst
Night and darkness, much maligned in popular culture, are deeply valued and honored in Jewish tradition. Learn body-centered, nature-connected practices for engaging with this sacred time, and share your wisdom and insights with others. Prep: Make your room as dark as possible and have a low-level source of light (candle, nightlight, etc). Or take your device outside — it’s midnight! Maggid Jonathan Furst is the founder of Derech HaAretz - Way of the Earth Outdoor Yeshiva, a founding steward of the JeWitch Collective and serves as Spiritual Facilitator for Keneset HaLev in San Francisco. www.derechhaaretz.org
The Aquarian Minyan is a co-sponsor of
the East Bay JCC’s 33rd Annual
Shavuot Day of Learning
Sunday May 16
from 10am - 4pm Pacific time
Our Teachers & Lineup:
10am: Barry Barkan, “The Long Journey of the Soul”
A meditative riff on Reb Dovid Wolfe Blank's (Of Blessed Memory) interpretation of Elohai Neshama.
11am: Rob Bonem, “The 10 Commandments”
A study of the 10 Commandments, and how we relate to them. This is a personal, interactive exploration.
12 Noon: Rabbi Moshe Halfon, “Modern Israeli Poetry as Midrash”
Many Israeli poets draw upon Biblical and mythic allusions, even if they reject or question faith. Modern Hebrew was after all resurrected from the literature and prayers of Judaism. Rabbi Moshe will present works by such poets as Yehuda Amichai, Natan Zach, Zelda, Rachel, Natan Yonatan, Amir Gilboa, and others, who struggle with topics like war and peace, life and death, faith, sex, justice, Israel itself, and their own souls. Poems will be presented in both Hebrew and English translation. Reb Moshe will also sing selected poems which became songs. NO Hebrew language background necessary!
1pm: Rabbi Sara Shendelman, “Contacting Your Angel and Spirit Guides”
Dreams, intuition, meditation & prayer are some of the many tools we can use to contact your higher guidance. We will discuss the many tools you can use to begin or advance in your Godly connection. During the class, we will do some clearing and grounding so you can feel safe and joyous receiving information, love and clarity. This is a time for revelation! The world is changing and we are here to do our part! The class will be interactive.
2pm: Lorelai Kude, “Yesh Mazal l’Yisrael: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History”
Jewish astrologer, writer and scholar Lorelai Kude presents the zodiac in Jewish cultural imagination. Explore the Jewish history of the stars through their many appearances in Jewish texts, from the story of creation to Talmudic literature to medieval scientific writings and beyond, as well as their ubiquitous presence in the art, artifacts, architecture, and ephemera of Jewish material culture from antiquity through the eve of WWII.
3pm: Yiskah Rosenfeld, “The Third Dose: A Meditation & Writing Workshop for Spiritual Protection”
We have wandered in a wilderness of challenges and unknowns this past year. As we begin to vaccinate and leave our comfort zones, we may feel a range of emotions: hope, elation, fear, vulnerability. Come meditate, write, share, and take care of yourself in this time of transition.